Sunday 27 March 2011

I'm a blogger!

Welcome me to the land of blogging.  It has already been an unexpected adventure.... Ooh what blog name to choose?.. hummmm... all the ones that I liked had some sort of sexual connotation, like, 'Ah bugger', or 'pounding head' or 'strumming along' etc etc... I didnt want my blog to be found by someone googling something totally different!  And then there is the background, the colour, the font..... In the end I have decided that it really doesnt matter as it will only be me reading it!  So what are the blogging rules? try not to offend anyone? try spell things correctly? Dont swear?  Well I dont know what the rules are but I am certainly not going to be spell checking it!  The other issue I immediately have is with my letter L.  It seems to be on its way out, so just in case I need to cut and paste a few in the future, here goes.... L L L L L L L L L L L l l l l l l l l.
Right, guess I'm all set up now!

This blog is purely for me to rant and explore my thoughts.  I have a lot of them which are constantly narrated like a scene from Sex and the City or like Dr Dorean from Scrubs.  I hope you enjoy............


  1. Whoo! Welcome to the Land of Blog! It's very fun I must say! Happy Blogging!

  2. Welcome Amy - I LOVE blogging, makes me a happy mama! Hope it does for you too!

