Sunday 3 April 2011

How often do you 'do it'?

Be honest ladies, on a day like today (Mother's Day) when in theory we are supposed to do NOTHING, let me ask you, how often do you do it?  Change beds and wash bath towels I am talking about.
I was pondering this question whilst making tea for the kids (seems no one has told them it's Mother's Day) and thinking of all the housework I should do today.  I think the beds are ready for a change of linen but I usually have to plan this a week in advance to get the pile of clothes washing as small as possible.  I think two loads a day is quite enough washing for any normal woman to tolerate so why add to it?

I have never really known what is 'good practice' when it comes to changing bedding.  Weekly?  Monthly?  With the children's beds (as it such a tedious job that takes me at least half an hour) I tend to change them when either, all of the poppers have opened or the duvet inside has got so dislodged I can no longer shake it out flat without taking the cover off.  AND I think any of these bunk beds / high sleepers, even mid sleeps should come with a health warning for adults that reads - "WARNING damage to yourself is highly possible when trying to change a fitted sheet to this bed."  And you would think changing the single beds would be the easiest.  It then comes to our bed, it's only a double but we have a king sized duvet.  I'm amazed that we can put a man on the moon yet no one has invented a machine for putting covers on duvets.  There is a knack to it, and honestly?  I think I'm quite good at it.  But really, it's a workout of its own.

So with all of the excuses in hand, how often should I be changing the beds?  I will NEVER iron bed linen!

Are there people out there that wash their bath towels after every use?  This is maybe a slightly more personal subject than bed linen.  Should they be changed, daily, weekly or when they start smelling of feet?

I go on further in my thoughts wondering if today, I will be able to do NOTHING or will housework get the better of me?

Happy Mother's Day. X

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