Monday 11 April 2011

It's all a load of c**p

To what lengths will I go to lose the flab for summer?  Well to give you an idea, if you have read my previous posts, I go to the gym (occasionally but not often enough to get trim), own an exercise hula hoop (used and failed at once) and now I have to shamefully admit to being scammed online!

It's bloody ridiculous!  I fell for a wonder product advertised as a free trial and just £2.49 p+p only to get a call from my wonderful bank(thank goodness) telling me they had not authorised payment..... payment of TWO amounts of £127.59!!  When I got the call two things happened in my head.

1. Why hadn't payment been authorised? Was I over drawn? Shit! I couldn't have spent that much recently, surely?
2. The man on the phone was foreign, the line was bad and he knew an awful lot about my spending habits (thank goodness I had decided against buying those sex toys!).  I am very embarrassed to admit that it crossed my mind that I hadn't actually been scammed but I was about to be!

No, payment wasn't authorised due to lack of funds but due to 'suspicion' on the banks part (again, thank goodness) and as soon as I got off the phone to 'the bank' I rang them back to check the call was above board.

This has led to me having to cancel my card and await a new one in the post.

So, exhausted from the last 2 hours of ringing the fat loss pill company and the bank several times and all in the aid of the perfect body, all I want now is a big, fat triple gin and loads of chocolate.

Maybe the universe is trying to tell me something!

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