Saturday 30 April 2011

Uh oh... here come the Chav Family (if your English) or the Knacker Famiy (if your Irish)!

Welcome back, long time no write!  Well it has been Easter hols and we have had Irish visitors so I have had a busy time.  But it really has been a great time.  We went out every day to somewhere exciting but with 2 adults and 6 kids in tow, we did get some looks.

I tend to have a bit of a rule for myself with my kids which is - Choose your battles wisely.  Based on this rule I hope that it means I won't constantly be at them (and they get a bit of freedom to be kids).  However, they are young and adventurous (or should I say mischievous!).  I let them run ahead, climb on things, be loud in open spaces and have been confident that is acceptable.

BUT, this Easter has made me realise something...... when you live in an area that is so posh there isn't and Aldi for 20 miles, behaviour like theirs does not go down so well!  No longer can I stand on a pavement like in Ireland and screech at my kids for running too far ahead; Now, with a slightly raised voice, I have to say "Darlings, that's far enough, come back to Mummy now" in my best Queen's English voice!

I have suddenly become aware that maybe to other people it looks like my kids are out of control and I don't care.  Then, if I do have to shout I just sound like a right knacker!!  Also, maybe I am bias, but I don't think my children are badly behaved; I just think there are a lot of them of a similar age.  If, as many passers-by think, I was a child minder, I would probably get reported. 

And what does "Oh you have your hands full" really mean?  I am not coping?  I am not in control? or maybe "God I wouldn't swap places with you for any amount of money"! 

So is there a solution?  I'm not sure yet.  I am toying with the idea of hanging a sign around my neck that simply says "if you could do better, you are welcome to try!"


  1. I just love that last line...perhaps a t-shirt slogan? x x

  2. Ooh yeah a t-shirt would be cool!

  3. Oh you just stole my idea Laura!
    You can print one off for me while you're at it!
